Three Highly Effective Techniques your Ad should have on Facebook.

These 3 strategies were tested on many ad campaigns and have been proven to work without any problems.

  • Adding images of people, in particular women, who are happy and are smiling. These images work well with anything from health and nutrition products or services to financial services like a bank or accounting firms. It gives the idea that this woman is happy and recommends this product 100%.

  • Logos that are colorful. Having a logo converts better because they look professional. Also you want to add some color to your logo. Bright colors always do the trick. You can add some dark colors like black or grey but not too much of them.

  • Head-shot photos. Having a real person's head-shot from a company that you are promoting works best. It shows the viewers that this is an actual person and that this person is not fake in any way. It also gives some kind of social vibe to it.