Getting Facebook Fans.

Having a fan page on Facebook makes marketing a breeze, basically because you have fans. When a company or business has products or services that people love they tend to create a Facebook fan page so that they promote any new product or services to the fans. 

Getting Facebook fans can be done if you do everything right. Here are some helpful suggestions for getting fans and keeping them forever.

  1. Keep your content fresh and updated daily. By posting new content you are giving these fans a reason to stay on your Facebook page and you also promote new products and services on a regular basis. It shouldn't take you long to update your page and there is little effort in doing so. 
  2. Getting more and more visitors. It's really clear that getting more visitors to your page makes them want to become fans. There is a certain way of doing that. When it comes to new visitors, you want to send them not to your fan page but to some sort of landing page. From there they can familiarize themselves with your company and what it does, giving them a better understanding of your services. Sending visitors straight to your fan page will sort of confuse in a way that they don't know much about anyone or anything that the company has.
  3. Contest on your page. Having a contest on your fan page gives more and more of your fans reasons to buy from you. You can have a contest in anything just as long as it meets Facbook's guidelines and has its approval.
  4. Give your fans incentives. Meaning offer your fans something in return for them being your fans. Stuff like coupons or free shipping or special deals work the best, and also other things.
  5. Interaction. Interacting with your fans is good but also have them interact with each other. They should have a lot to talk about since they are both fans of your page.